The Delta World is a strange and wonderful place.. but it is full of problems that only your crew can solve. Adventures and Missions will be posted below:
The Strange Case of H.P. Lovecraft
Second Page...
Note to Guides: The names of the Indian tribe/reservation and
the town have been kept deliberately neutral so that you can put them in
any locale that you need. This adventure would also work well set
in Canada.
A friend of the pcs, an investigator for the police, has heard rumors
of the revenge plan but hasn’t been able to confirm anything. He
has confirmed that at least two of the men have Awakened, and knows full
well that even if he had proof he couldn’t handle them on his own.
So it was either call in his friends (your lucky players) or call in the
brutal Delta Prime squad that is stationed nearby. He chose the more
humane option.
The four men have spent two weeks since the accident recovering and
planning their revenge. They’ve decided that the nearby headquarters
of the company is a very deserving target for the new bomb they’ve built.
The fact that it’s in the middle of town hasn’t bothered them.
All that matters is that the building around the company’s heads collapses
just like the building that came down on the reservation.
One thing they have managed to keep a secret is that all four of them
are now deltas. They are Red Bear (Roger WhiteDeer), a Goliath.
NightBird (Tom Runningbear) is a Sneak. QuickBolt (Jeffrey Thunder)
is a Charger. And then Richard HighFather is a MetaDelta.
Richard HighFather broke his leg in the lumbermill and has just got
the cast off. He still walks with a limp however. Their plan
is to strike in three days. After the office is closed they’ll break
in, with QuickBolt sending a charge through the doors to blow out the electronic
locks, and Red Bear punching in the door. Then they wreck the place,
vandalizing and making it look as juvenile as they can. But also
they’re going to put the bomb in the offices of the president, Roger Kyles.
It will go off at 10am the next morning. The four men are not planning
on calling in a threat.
Unfortunately they have gotten so caught up in their revenge scheme
they haven’t thought about what would happen next. The cops and Delta
Prime squads that would sweep through the reservation would do more harm
then any of Sawyer Corp.’s plans.
Of course they do have some justification. The company has been
abusing the reservation for decades, and the experience of the Lumbermill
falling down among their heads has had a very major influence. Red
Bear and Richard HighFather believe that the awakenings are mystical gifts
that they should use in this fashion.
The corporation has been abusing the reservation for generations, and
making a tidy profit. But the lumber industry is on hard times and
Roger Kyles was looking at going bankrupt. So he paid for a nice
new mill, with a tidy insurance policy on it. When it collapsed he
got not only the insurance money, but he has also filed suit against the
construction company. (the improper materials were setup by a hacking
job done by a Roger Kyles employee).
He has heard the stories about the boys who were caught in the collapse
and taken steps to get them out of the picture. Kyles is not an evil
man, and truly did not want anyone to be killed. But business is
business..and he’s fighting for survival.
His first step was to assist the investigators as much as he could
as far as the youths and the rumors. This is how the PC’s friend
found out about this case. He has also increased security at the
building. Four guards, each equipped with radios and high-powered
pistols are positioned in the offices during the day. During the
night there are six hidden in the back offices. (the four youths
have no idea about these guards). He also upgraded the security systems.
QuickBolt’s attack can’t knock out the system, even with HighFather’s help.
As soon as it’s revealed that the youths are both after him and that
they’re all Deltas he will call in the Delta Prime squad nearby and let
them do his dirty work for him.
There are a variety of clues available to the PCs. The village
of the young men knows that their planning revenge, but most assume that
things will blow over like they usually do. It’s an open secret that
they’re Deltas and about the plans for revenge.
Questions will get very little information unless the pcs make successful
Persuasion checks (Challenging, 10) they can find out the basic facts.
That the lumbermill collapsed, the boys were in there but survived, and
that nobody has seen them in awhile but they’re okay and very angry.
If any of the pcs get an additional two successes they find out the
following things: That one of the boys, Roger WhiteDeer, has grown
huge. Also as the lumbermill was being built there had been some
confusion from the supplies that were used.
If anyone gets a fourth success they find out that they boys (except
WhiteDeer) have been going into town several times over the last few days.
They’re still grim and revenge-bent but haven’t done anything yet.
Sawyer Industries: All they’ll get is a the official "We’re deeply concerned about the welfare of the Village and the boys that were in the building. Due to legal matters we cannot comment any more about this matter" The secretaries will be polite but very stubborn about this.
Tom and Sons Construction: The construction company will talk after a Challenging (10) Persuasion roll. They did receive unusual supplies for the job. But it was attributed to a computer glitch, and thanks to the very stringent time schedule put on them by Sawyer Industries they didn’t have time to properly test the new materials. They will go into great detail about how much of a SOB Kyles is for suing them over this, as they’ve had terrible press plus a criminal investigation against them already.
Any relevant searches will find a few prominent articles about Sawyer
Industries over the last year. It’s stock has plummeted. Also
several articles about failures of it’s various plants around the region
show up with alarming regularity.
Also, the hacking job was not done very well. A Difficult (15)
Computing roll by someone snooping around the construction companies computers
will discover that they’re security has been breached. The trail
leads from the contracts part of the construction company to the IP address
of the Sawyer Industries web site. Nothing concrete, but very suspicious
The four men will hang out at the Leaf Café, waiting for the
people to leave the Sawyer Industries building. An alert PC in the
area can easily spot their van in the parking lot. NightBird is keeping
watch in a nearby alley, keeping himself out of sight as much as he can.
Red Bear stays inside the van, while the other two are in the café
patiently waiting.
If approached the men will try to be as quiet as possible, they don’t
want a fight now. Instead they’ll try to lure the pcs near the van,
where Red Bear should be able to take care of them. If the pcs insist on
making pests of themselves in the café, QuickBolt will try to use
his Goodnight trick them, as they walk out the door. Seeing any of
the members come out of the café, NightBird will join them.
None of them will use their powers overtly, except for Red Bear (who can’t
hide it anyways) Although Bear won’t use his Rock Your World trick
out in the open.
If they come out of the café or a fight brews then the security
forces across the street will notice. They’ll signal a security alert
to get all of the guards to the area, and puts in a call for Roger Kyles.
The sight of a bunch of armed guards coming out of the front doors
should be very suspicious. If given the chance the young deltas will
stop fighting the PCs when they see the guards. Keeping it from becoming
a blood bath is another story… (also the guards only know that Red Bear
is a delta..they suspect QuickBolt might be a blaster, but haven’t seen
any proof yet) The guards are under orders to get rid of the kids,
but don’t want to blow them away out in the open like instead
they’ll be very rude and taunt them, and then open fire only after they’ve
had the first attack against them.
This is a tough one for the pcs to handle. They have a good five or six turns until the police turn up, and then another five turns before Delta Prime arrives in it’s Armorgeddon suits. Also the Primers in this area are known to be extremely brutal.
The one good way out would be for the pcs to convince Red Bear and the others to join the defiance, that way they can still work for the good guys, but manage to keep their village safe. An email to Truth would be able to set them up with the Defiance in a few days.
Blowing Up Kyles’s buildings might be a lot of fun but would only mean worse things for the area. If the PCs have done any of the research, then they should have enough evidence to bring the law against Kyles. (if the pcs haven’t figured enough out their police agent friend will discover the hacking incident and provide them with the evidence)
Convincing the kids to go home is also a way out. Kyles will still
be paranoid and angry, but he won’t send assassins after them. He’ll
probably hope that Delta Prime will catch them. If the PCs can get
them to go home and then turns the law on Kyles then they will get the
grudging friendship of the youths as well as the gratitude of the village.
Red Bear
Use the Goliath Archtype for the basic stats and powers of Red Bear.
Personality: Red Bear has always been the most macho of his friends. He’s headstrong, and overly confident of his newfound abilities. But deep inside he’s a good person. He’s just overwhelmed with everything that’s happened.
Use the Sneak Archtype for the basic stats for NightBird.
Personality: NightBird was always the jerk. He’s the youngest of the group, and was the person who really wanted to get revenge against Sawyer Industries. He’ll be the hardest to convince to stop the revenge plan. He tends to have a very sharp sense of humor, and enjoys making fun of people. (he doesn’t make fun of Red Bear anymore tho..he’s smarter then that).
Smarts: 2d6
Speed: 3d6
Spirit: 2d6
Strength: 3d6
Size: 5
Lightning Blast
Immune to Lightning
First Move
QuickBolt is a weird guy, very hyper-active. (and was before his awakening). He tends to be impulsive and always goes for the easy and obvious ways out. Currently he’s torn about this revenge mission. His girlfriend (who’s loyal but worries about him) has tried to get him to stop with the plan, but every time he tries NightBird or HighFather talk him back in.
Richard HighFather
Smarts: 3d6
Speed: 3d6
Spirit: 2d6
Strength: 2d6
Size: 5
Enhance Powers
Dampen Powers
Null Field
Make an Impression
Best Friend
Richard has found religion after the Awakening, and has been the most
influential in getting the revenge plans going. He truly believes
that the powers were gifts that should be used. Of course, he’s also
young- and decided on revenge on impulse. He could be talked into
putting the gifts to other uses, assuming the other person is persuasive
Richard is the leader of the group, but stays in the back. His limp
hasn’t fully gone away yet, and he’s not sure about his fighting ability.
The house still stands, but has never been occupied for long. Every person who has tried to live in it has moved out within months, claiming that it’s haunted.
The problem is that recently there have been a strange number of kidnappings
and assaults by unkown people in the neighborhood. It’s apparent
that they’re deltas, judging from the damage that has been done in a few
cases. The only thing that’s certain is that rumors of strange noises
and smells emanating from the house have increased drastically in recent
The visions all involve a young man being chased down a tunnel by monsters that are just out of site. He flees, screaming into a small rock chamber where green arms slap manacles against his wrists. (again, the actual faces of the creatures are obscured…). Then the scene fades and the dreamer sees a small house surrounded by thunderstorms.
The players have to first get to the former home of Lovecraft, get inside, and then discover who the man in the vision is. This adventure is split into three parts, one for each step.
If the party is a group from the Covenant or Delta Prime then they are
assigned to investigate the area, and if possible stop the attacks.
The Defiance has sent a team to investigate because of the visions.
Getting to the city is easy, although any travellers will notice a terrible
thunderstorm that has moved into the area. Great bolts of lightning
keep criss-crossing the sky as thunder shakes the characters deep into
their hearts.
It’s raining lightly as the characters approach the neighborhood.
The houses are completely dark, and half the streetlights are out.
If the characters knock on any of the doors there is no answer.
The neighborhood is full of white houses with small lawns and sidewalks all along the sides of the street. There are several signs that something is very wrong.
Only one car is parked on the street, and anyone looking at it will notice that the front end has been smashed in. Closer examination will reveal that it looks like a fist did this.
Several of the houses have broken doorlocks or windows, except for the one that resembles the house in the visions. That one looks a little run-down (it needs roofwork and a new coat of paint) but otherwise is not damaged in any way.
A few blocks down the street one of the sewer grates has been torn open. An Easy (5) Search roll reveals that there are a few drops of blood against the side. (The blood belongs to Jeff when he fled down here). In the sewers there is a blood trail down to the junction where Jeff is hiding.
If the heros find the sewer grate or approach the undamaged house then
the Street Lords come out to meet them.
When they come out the party will find itself surrounded quickly.
They move in fast, but no surprise roll is need. The controlled gang
members attack with clubs and fists, although two of the gang members have
Colt 2000. They only use them if the PCs attempt to flee.
The gang members are all human except for their leader, Fist.
He is a Scrapper of minor skill.
An Easy (5) Scrutinize or Streetwise roll by the players well show
that the gang members are acting very strangely. They don’t talk,
and their movements are jerky.
Gang Members:
Smarts: 1d6 (alien mind control does that to you…)
Area Knowledge: 2,
Speed: 3d6:
Dodging 2, shooting 2, stealth 2
Spirit 3d6 (their free will is gone, but the alien spirit is inside
Perception 3, Scrutinize 4, Intimidation 2
Strength: 3d6
Fighting: Barehanded 2,, Throwing 1
Size: 5
Pace: 8
No Powers, Tricks or Delta Points
Use the Scrapper Archetype for Fist. The only difference is that
he doesn’t have nunchuks.
Any PCs that treat his wounds gets a Delta point.
The house is a two story building, with a living room (that’s a complete mess), a kitchen (empty), a bathroom, and a small den. Stairs lead up and down. The only important thing about the main floor is that this is where the Street Lords stay when they’re not on the street.
Upstairs are two bedrooms and a storage room. In the storage room are several texts that used to belong to Lovecraft. A Bargainer would be willing to pay quite a bit for these, as they describe several of the creatures that Lovecraft had encountered.
Downstairs is where all the fun is. It’s one large storage room
with TenFallis at the bottom.
Along the stairs are four of it’s lesser Tentacles. Each of these
things is a small glob of greenish slime with a large barbed tentacle from
the middle of it. They have four small legs that can attach to anything.
If the PCs come down the stairs
Tentacles (minor)
Smarts: 1d6
Speed: 3d6
Dodging 3
Spirit: 2d6
Strength: 3d6
Fighting: tenacle 3
Size: 3
Pace: 6
Powers: Tentacle strike, 3d6 damage able to do it once per turn.
Tricks: Entangle: if the creature gets three successes on the
attack then it wraps her up and begins to constrict. It takes three
Challenging (10) succes from the delta to break out of this. Otherwise,
it’s 3d6 damage per round. Of course an entangled delta can’t use
her arms or other devices. Likewise, the Tentacle can’t do anything
These are more of a warning sytem then a defense. TenFallis is
certain that he can handle anyone or anything. He also has four of his
personal bodyguards down in the basement as well. They are four statues
he’s magicked to move.
The bottom of the stairs lead to a classic magical design drawn in
the floor. (a circle in a pentagram..etc..). TenFallis stands
in the middle of it flanked by the four six foot tall stone men.
(they were statues of Roman gods, Mercury, Jupiter, Apollo and Mars).
As soon as TenFallis sees the pcs get past the minor tentacles he’ll send
in the statues. If they fail, he’ll take care of them himself.
The problem is that he cannot be killed in this Dimension. He
can be subdued, for awhile, but never beaten. The only way to truly
win is to get Jeff’s pendent into the circle. That will open the
portal and suck TenFallis back to his own dimension.
Smarts 1d6
Speed: 2d6
Spirit: 1d6
Strength: 4d6
Fighting 1
Size: 6
Pace: 4
Powers: Punch does 4d6+5 damage.
Armor 5/-
Smarts: 4d6
Academia: Occult 4
Scrutinize 2
Intimidation 2
Speed: 3d6
Spirit: 3d6
Strength: 4d6
Fighting: Barehanded 3
Powers: Armor 8/-
Mind Control: If TenFallis can get a human alone for a period of 4 hours
he can take over that human. It’s a complete brainwashing, making
the human subserviant to TenFallis, but also reducing his Smarts and Spirit
to 1d6.
Multiple attacks: TenFallis can make six attacks a round. One
for each arm.
Immortal: In this dimension TenFallis cannot be killed. He
cannot take more then 4 wounds to any area. If he takes a fourth
wound to the head he is dazed, (-5 on all rolls), but that is as
close to being knocked out or killed as he can become. He also gets
a healing roll every ten minutes (game time).
At the Guides discretion certain magical or psychic attacks may damage
him more, but that is decided on a case by case basis. (and considering
TenFallis’s power it’s highly unlikely at any rate)
TenFallis is a large orange and black creature, giant head with four
legs and six tentacles for arms. The head is six eyes and a gaping
mouth. When first seen he gets a free Intimidation roll against all
the PCs. He is never surprised.