Emperor's Glory
The Witness
There has been a lot of talk about Europe forming up into one
super political unit. There was actually one step towards it.
During the Eighties the western European nations sent one Delta to form
a core group of Deltas, seperate from the United Nations.
At first they performed well, gaining world-wide fame by acts like
defeating the Alpha "Mordred" before he could destroy the Acropolis.
But soon politics took effect. Charges were sent that they were favoring
the UK and France over Italy and Spain. Greece dropped out of the
program entirely. The team still had six members, and had at
least the voice support of the public and the media. That didn't last long.
They went into battle against a group of Russian deltas over
the Albanian border. Who crossed the line first is unknown, but the
very public battle ended with three of the six EuroForce dead, and the
triumphant Russians waving to all of the western TV crews that had gathered
to record the fight. Rumors abound that the fight had been set up,
some even suggesting Euroforce had been drugged before hand.
The media, of course, didn't believe any of it. Images
of Behemoth, the Italian Goliath, lying crumpled against a bus was on the
front page of every newspaper in the western (and most of the eastern)
After that all of the truly skilled Deltas, when needed, where
sent to the United Nations team. Only the UK still truly supports
EuroForce. The other countries use the assignment as a punishment.
Currently there are five members.
Restraint, from the UK. A bouncer who uses various types of entangling weapons to restrain and capture his foes. He is a survivor from the Albanian battle, and serves as team leader. Restraint is the UK's main propaganda tool for the no-guns policy. He has scored success after success using bolos, ropes, nets and other devices in his battles. Twice he has worked with UNDDO, but he prefers EuroForce where he can give the orders.
Techhead, also from the UK. The groups Gadgeteer. Does not use a power suit, but has several tech devices in a helmet-vest-gauntlet combination. He also has dozens of holsters, bags and pouches holding his gadgets. His main focus is on computers. The youngest of the group, he still struggle with inconfidence.
Fuego del Sol, from Spain. A basque delta, currently on "permanent" assignment to the group. Once she was discovered to be a Blaster the spanish government has managed to keep her out of the country for four years so far. Fuego likes the team, and uses it to try and gain more support for her cause. Easily the most outspoken of the group, and very political. The Spanish government is hoping for a lucky accident to happen to her, as they fear if they just imprison or kill her then the basque rebels will retaliate as hard as they can inside the country. But if she dies in the line of EuroForce's mission then Spain's hands are clean.
Strength, the french addition to the team. He is a Lifter, a Delta with an extremely powerful lifting and punching ability. However, he has gained neither the speed of a Bouncer or the toughness of a Goliath. He is smug, rash and foolhardy.
Thunderclap, the german Screamer. The only member older
then Restraint, she is considered past her prime by the German government.
Even tho she's only forty, the government is concentrating on the next
generation. She is a highly competent and disciplined, but she has
a major cynical side.
Any time the PCs interfere and it’s obvious the usual grunts aren’t going to work..they might get a Chilly reception. They are particularly well known for creating ice-boxes filled with water, and leaving their victims in them to drown. (the ice cages created by Iceblast, then filled by Slush). Of course, there are a few times when that Escape skill comes in handy.
The Villians:
IceHawk: The leader of the group, a Flyer who wears razors on his wrists so that he can make fly-by attacks. He’s very smart, and a skilled martial artist. Unfortunately he’s also a sadist and an egomaniac.
Slush: Gadgeteer who created a power suit that had some unusual abilities. Originially designed to be used in firefighting, but redesigned to match the team’s theme. It boosts the users strength, has a fair amount of armor and also has two very powerful water jets. The water comes out compressed, resembling slush. (hence the name). The blasts do 5d6+5 damage Slush is and always will be a bully. He’s balding, overweight and is really only friends to IceHawk.
Iceblast: An Ice Elementalist. Considered truly insane by his coworkers, and known to be insane by the Deltas. He joined Chill after the team had started to gain noteriety. He fully believes that this team is the "hand of the Ice" and when he talks he constantly refers to how the "Ice" will take over the world again. But he follows the orders of his team-mates and is too powerful to get rid of.
Frostmist: A Delta with the ability to create a huge amount of
mist in the air. The air within 30 feet of him in all directions
starts to release all of it’s vapor into mist. This lowers the tempature
down to about 36 degrees Fahrenheit and lowers visibility to within a foot.
All of the Chill team have been trained to fight in these conditions.
Under stress Frostmist can decrease the tempature down to 10 degrees, causing
everyone around him to make a stun check. (difficulty 10). These
intense cold fields only last one round. The mist normally dissapates
within three minutes, local weather permitting.
Frostmist is skinny and frail, but is an even greater sadist then Icehawk.
He sits back and listens to the pounding that his companions give in the
mistclouds that he creates.
Snow Leopard: A Bouncer who uses a fur/claw costume. He
is an exceptional fighter, and uses a costume that makes him immune to
the Frostmist’s clouds. He’s also a trained blind-fighter.
His costume’s claws do 3d6+6.
Leopard, along with Slush and IceHawk, started this gang.
Of late he has been having second thoughts. He loves the fights,
and is very good at it. But he’s seen how bloodthirsty his former
friends have gotten, and IceBlast scares him. Of course with his
reputation, there aren’t any other areas for him to work. He’s simply
made too many enemies. If someone were to offer him a believable
way out, he would take it.
The five members are Shinto, Blue Dragon, Ninja, Kamikaze and Samouri.
Shinto is the leader, having served in the Japanese version of Delta Prime
for several years. The group sometimes acts as bodyguards for Japanese
ambassadors, and have engaged in fights near the UN compound on a few occasions.
(independently..Japan does not loan them to UNDDO for any reason).
In those fights they have always won. They even managed to defeat
an unusually bigoted Alpha that had just "happened" to escape while they
were touring the United States. (The Defiance has spread the rumors
that the alpha was released in an attempt to embarrass the Japaneses team..but
so far it hasn’t be proven)
The Members:
Shinto (covenant asian style)
An aging Nobleman, Shinto is a priest. He leads the group with
an iron fist, and reports only to the Emperor. He has all of the
Covenant powers. He keeps quiet most of the time, except when barking
orders. He keeps a personal code, and has no mercy to his enemies
Blue Dragon (Hot Shot)
The youngest of the group, Dragon just joined within the last year.
He has the most flamboyant costume, with lots of flash and dazzle.
He also tends to be the first to charge into combat. He has both
Burn, Baby, Burn and Flaming Hot tricks. He is actually not as prejudiced
as his team-mates; and is usually the team’s spokesperson with the media.
Ninja (Sneak)
A stunningly attractive woman, Ninja has been trained by the military
for almost her entire life as both a theif and assassin. She has
skills in Espionage, Lockpicking, Acrobatics and is easily the best Martial
artist of the group. She always carries small hand to hand weapons
and exotic equipment.
Kamikaze (Flyer)
Kamikaze is a solid member of the team, but he is also a show-off and
a terrible flirt. Unlike some fliers Kamikaze always floats an inch
above the ground. In combat he flies high, and then sweeps down once
the enemy has been identified and engaged with the other team members.
Historical note: Kamikaze took his name to honor his father, a flier during the second world war. He was the most decorated membor of the Flier/Bomber teams.
Samurai (Enhancer)
The last member of the team is Samurai, who uses a Katana that is over
200 years old. He follows the old Bushido codes to a fault, including
never striking first so that he doesn’t lose any advantages. He’s
an older warrior, having served the Emperor even before the Alphas disappeared.
Samurai is the second in command after Shinto. He is a reserved
and stoic man, but has a terrible anger in battle.
Jeremiah began to write down these visions. Eventually his abilities were discovered by his superiors, and what followed was a vicious power struggle over what to do with them. He knew, deep down, that to give his sight and thoughts to an organization like that would be wrong. So Jeremiah left.
He is now a monk in Northern Pennsylvania. He lives at a small house on a small farm. He works peacefully, writing down all of his visions faithfully. He knows that he has been charged with an important mission from God, and that that mission also means non-interference. However he still has a conscience. Soo…he gives some information away to those he feels deserve it.
What Mr. Holms has is a unique gift. No other delta in the world has this power. He sees important events as they happen. He sees as deals are made and broken, there are no secrets to him. He does not see the future however, only what is happening at that exact moment. (kind of like a fly on the wall) Also he only sees things on this planet, and not in the various other worlds.
He also seems to be protected. He does not age. Also any supernatural creature instinctively knows that he is not to be harmed. They would defend themselves if physically attacked, but otherwise will not attack him.
Jeremiah is the witness for this Brave New World.
Game uses:
Jeremiah is a strict pacifist, and was before his awakening. He
knows that if he were to abuse his gift then it will be given to someone
else. However, he is also a good man, and hates to see people
He can be convinced to give pcs suggestions and information relating
to people. He won’t tell specific secrets but could tell the pcs
things such as “go to the library in Algernon, Ohio” or inform them
not to trust the young lady trying to contact them right now.
Also he is the witness for Humanity, and has no problem telling others
about other-dimensional or off-world threats.
Basically Jeremiah is a good hook or mouthpiece for the Guide.
He can give adventure starts, as well as guiding the party when they make
a wrong move.