And more adventures...
Also, every organization is going to be there recruiting. And the easiest way to scope out the contestants is to enter their own fighters. If the PC belong to any of the following groups they may be recruited to go fight, or at least to observe:
Delta Prime has their own fighters there, along with the equivelant law enforcement agencies of Japan, USSR, France and several smaller countries. Even the UK and China have a few fighters there.
Evil Unlimited always sends fighters in the hopes that they will be able to get a few more employees and contacts.
The Defiance has several members there and has to send extra help to guard they’re valuable members. Also Isla Delta and the Delta Warriors always attend in hopes of gaining more respect from other groups.
The third place winner last year was known Bargainer using a martial
artist totem. He’s back this year, only a few Covenant members have
come over as well.
There is one referee who watches the fight. Any attempts to bribe
or intimidate a referee will be met with intense violence against the infractors.
So far no one has ever managed to harm a referee and escape the night alive.
Fights can be won in three ways:
1. your opponent is beaten unconscoius, killed or gives up.
2. your opponent is removed from the fighting area. (a
20 yard diameter..specific guidelines set up by the referee)
3. Stopped by the Referee and given a summary judgement.
(often happen if forbidden powers are used, such as telepathy or blasters)
For most of the baddies just use the templates provided in the sourcebooks. A table is provided below to help with the first few fights.
1: Delta Prime Scrapper.
2: Mafia Tough
3: USSR Werebear
4: Evil Unlimited Goliath
5: Independent Martial Artist (bouncer)
6: Isla Delta Speedster
For the Second and third fight the warriors are a bit more difficult.
(increase fighting skills by one, increase by two tricks)
Chien Lu
Allegedly she’s the Covenant contestant, here to earn glory and respect
for the group in the criminal underworld as well as to recruit others into
the organization.
What no-one knows is that she is an Excorcist. She’s been sent
her specifically to take down Illius hard. She wants to do it in
a public fight, to show everyone how not even a Bargainer can stand against
the Covenant.
If he beats her or avoids combat, however, she will assasinate him.
Chien is a stunningly pretty Asain woman from the US. Her parents
are Japanese, and she speaks the language fluently.
(use the Excorcist template for Chien’s stats only add Martial Arts
Red Teeth McCanahil
Red Teeth is a berserker, he’s vicious and nasty, the type that
bites the heads off of small animals right before a fight. Underneath
there is the same type of man as Illius.
He’s incredibly cunning, and knows full well that if his opponent thinks
he’s insane then he will either be intimidated or underestimate him.
Red Teeth is also the recruiter for Evil Unlimited. If someone
impresses him then he’ll make an offer that would be truly unwise to refuse.
A german Goliath, Mauler came in second in last year’s Kumite.
He is a huge man, easily 9, almost 10 feet tall. He was
a world-class boxer before he Awakened, and his skill has just improved.
He’s a bully and extremely aggressive. Any challenge will result
in a sudden fight from him, which has led to several “unofficial”
fights taking place in bars and in parking lots.
(Goliath template with an additional level of strength, plus Sport:
4 (Boxing) , and Fighting 8.
Antonio Lopez
Lopez was the winner of last year’s tournament. He’s a Mexican
Scrapper, and just narrowly knocked Mauler out in a forty minute fight.
He is covered with tattoos, many of them actually covering scars.
Outside of the ring he is a surprisingly gentle and easy going man, but
in the ring he uses every dirty trick he can. Only the Mauler has
a longer record of kills and cripplings in matches.
(use the Scrapper template but increase Fighting skill to 8, plus an
additional +1 to strength and speed)
The first warning is a corpse found at the dock after the first fight.
Billy Braxton, an American Scrapper, was killed in some sort of fight.
The PCs and other contestants find the body right before a scheduled fight.
It’s obvious that he was killed by energy attacks of some sort, probably
a Blaster.
Careful examination, however, will reveal mud on his boots. Not
terribly strange for this part of town, but if any of the pcs make a Challenging
(10) Search roll they discover a small green bit of plant in the mud.
(it’s seaweed).
If anyone hangs around the docks or tries to investigate they’ll be
jumped by four men, all bound in black clothing including ski masks.
It will be obvious that they are just punks. They’re not deltas,
just men with Fighting 2. Two have knives, the others have revolvers.
They’re actually punks that the Temple hired just to watch the location
and make sure nothing happens to it.
The bomb is hidden in a pile of mud, just above the water level, underneath
the wooden dock. It looks like an old wooden crate, but if
any players look inside They’ll see it’s filled with a black sludge.
This bomb is magical, and can only be set off by a magical Fire symbol
(known to Edward and a few others), and when it goes off it will take out
the entire docks and just about everyone with it.
The crate has an alarm spell on it so if it is touched or disturbed
then Edward comes immediately.
Edward is a complete egomaniac and thinks he can still do it on his
own anyways. He has three major Totems. One glove provides
the Blaster package, another glove the Defender. He also has an earing
that has the Teleporter package in it.
Edward is an older man, thirties with longish hair and thin.
He looks like a bad mix between a Goth and a biker. He wears all
black leather with a black fur cape hanging over his shoulders. The
only color is his golden earing and his red hair.
Right now he’s living in a hotel two blocks from the dock. He’ll
teleport there within minutes if the alarm goes off.
Give one experience point for each official fight that was
whomever defeated Edward gets an additional experience point.
One thing that they don’t know is that a farmhand was able to escape
un-noticed. And wouldn’t you know it? The Farmhand is the cousin
of one of the players, and knows how to contact him. All he knows
is that there was a strange glow from his field, and then sounds of a fight,
then silence.
They could call the sheriff, but he will be ridicously outgunned.
But being heroes they will probably charge into the thick of things before
thinking about it.
They are:
Cray (Mark) Genius
Ravager Prime (Luke) Gadgeteer
Land Warrior (Adam Silver) Gunner
Nanite (Alena Torrez) Shrinker
Atom Smasher (Ben Ronder)
Mark was always the smartest one in his class. He always thought
of himself as the coolest, and the rest of the people as idiots.
He’s tall, dark hair and has a habit of wearing sunglasses, even while
He has studied literally everything that has been printed about the
1940s, and has memorized as much as he could. (and for a Genius that
is a lot of information indeed). He knows who to avoid and who to
blackmail safely. His plan is to come to this time, make enough money
to be ridiculesly happy for the rest of his life and fade into the background
before Superior comes back to the U.S. The sad part is that he really
believes that it is possible to do this. Of course he has gathered
a band of powerful deltas to help him with this.
The one thing to remember about Cray is that he never forgets a face,
or anyone who has insulted him.
Smarts: 5d6
Academia: history 5
Area Knowledge: New York 5, Chicago 5, Los Angeles 5
Bureaucratics 3
Computing 4
Speed 2d6
Dodging 1
Driving: Vehicle 1
Spirit 3d6
Bravery 2
Perception 3
Scrutinize 4
Search 2
Streetwise 2
Strength 2d6
Climbing 1
Fighting: barehanded 2
Swimming 2
Size 5
Pace: 7
Delta Points: 3
Confuse Thoughts
Fast Learner
I’ve got a plan
Ravager Prime
Smarts: 3d6
Tinkering 5
Tactics 3
Gambling 2
Computing 4
Speed 4d6
Dodging 1
Driving: Vehicle 1
Flying 4
Spirit 3d6
Bravery 2
Perception 3
Scrutinize 4
Search 2
Streetwise 2
Strength 4d6
Climbing 1
Fighting: barehanded 2
Swimming 2
Size 6
Pace: 10
Delta Points: 3
Addiction: Gambling (-1)
Smack It
Fine Tuning
Bull’s Eye
The Ravager Armor
The armor was designed as a sentry unit, a combination of armor, sensors
and two very nasty lasers mounted just over each shoulder.
It provides the user with speed and strength (already noted in the
stats), Armor 10/3. An advanced targeting array provides a +5 to
attacks with the lasers. The suit provides IR sight and short-range
radar (60’).
The lasers are mounted in mini-turrets based just behind the shoulders.
They automatically track whatever the pilot is looking at, and fire from
voice command.
Weapon | Action | Ammo | Shots | Quickness | Rate of Fire | Range Increment | Damage |
Lasers | Single Fire | Energy | 100 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 4d6+5 |
Weakness: There is also a problem with the suit. Due to
the large amount of electronics involved, any electrical or magnetic attacks
against it do double damage if it manages to get through the armor’s deflection.
Also note that this version of the suit does not have a jetpack and
cannot fly.
Land Warrior
Smarts: 2d6
Tactics 3
Bureaucratics 2
Computing 2
Speed 3d6
Dodging 2
Driving: Vehicle 1
Quick Draw 3
Shooting 5
Speed-Load 1
Spirit 2d6
Bravery 5
Perception 3
Scrutinize 4
Search 2
Streetwise 2
Strength 3d6
Climbing 1
Fighting: barehanded 2
Swimming 2
Size 5
Pace: 7
Delta Points: 3
Light Sleeper
Crack Shot: +5 Shooting
Quick: +5 to Speed for Initiative
Pierce Armor
Bull’s Eye
Adam is the enforcer of the group, and is only interested in two things:
Power and Money. He was the first criminal to join up with Cray,
and has enjoyed the amount of strength the group has shown so far.
He dislikes Nanite, considering her to be a coward, but he is
completely fascinated by the Ravager suit. Tempted enough to steal
it someday, if he could ever figure out how it worked.
During the raid Adam acquired an experimental rifle. He only
has three clips for it, however and only keeps it on single shot.
Weapon | Action | Ammo | Shots | Quickness | Rate of Fire | Range Increment | Damage |
Hellfire Rifle | Auto | Special 9mm | 32 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 6d6+8 |
Smarts: 3d6
Security 3
Speed 3d6
Dodging 3
Driving: Vehicle 3
Acrobatics 2
Spirit 3d6
Perception 3
Search 4
Streetwise 4
Strength 2d6
Climbing 4
Fighting: barehanded 2
Size 5
Pace: 7
Delta Points: 3
Sharp Eyes
Know the Streets
Growth Charge
Alena was a burglar that was gaining quite a reputation when Cray found
her. With a little bit of persuasion he was able to get her to join
up. She’s a whiner and usually disappears right before a fight starts,
but her security skills made her valuable.
She does not like being in the past, and it took the considerable persuasion
skills of the rest of the group to get her to go along.
Atom Smasher
Smarts: 3d6
Tactics 3
Computing 2
Gambling 3
Speed 3d6
Dodging 1
Driving: Vehicle 2
Shooting 3
Spirit 3d6
Bravery 2
Perception 3
Streetwise 2
Strength 2d6
Climbing 1
Fighting: barehanded 2
Swimming 2
Size 5
Pace: 7
Delta Points: 3
Iron Jaw
Obvious (Orange glow from his skin at all times)
Rad Blast: The hero fires a bolt of nuclear radiation.
Details are: QUICKNESS:1 ROF:1/hand RANGE:10
Armor: 5/-
Invulnerability: The hero is immune to radiation attacks or damage,
regardless of their source or nature.
NUKE! : To activate this trick, the Reactor must spend an action
preparing (see the Quickness
below). On the second action,
make a shooting roll.
With a successful roll, anyone or
anything caught in the blast
radius takes 5d6+5 Massive damage.
For each additional success,
the Reactor can increase the blast
radius by 1" per success.
Nuke Energy N/A
2 1 1"
5d6+5 Massive
Rad Punch : Must get an extra success on a close combat attack roll.
The attack does Strength + 15 damage. With two extra
successes and the 'power up' time, the Trick Super Blast
may also be added into this.
Super Blast : May spend extra actions to build up a huge charge.
bonus equals +5 / action charging, to a maximum of +20.
The attack must get an extra success to work.
Ben is an aging robber and Mafia strongarm. While he’s never backed
off from a fight, he’s never been very bloodthirsty either. Unlike
his companions tho, he remembers the past quite fondly. He’s 50,
and remembers all the things his dad used to tell him about this time,
and he likes the idea of setting up a little gang and living the rest of
his life on easy street.
If the players attack, the two Ravagers will attempt to flee into the corn fields, and then make their way back to town to meet up with their teammates. Otherwise Cray and the others will be back in two hours. (note that Land Warrior does have his super rifle with him, but it’s bundled up in the back of the truck, it will take him one round to get it out before he can do anything)
Also note that if any of the players have gained some notoriety then
Cray will have read and memorized any stories about them from this time
period. This could mean knowledge of any major weaknesses.
If all of the criminals are sent back through the portal it will
close behind them. (it was designed to do this in the first place).
Otherwise the portal will slowly fade, shrinking about an inch in diameter
every three hours. This means that it will no longer be possible
to get through it and finally disappear within three days. If that
happens, then the Ravagers are stuck in the past.
The PCs should know how much of a danger that this group would be in
their time. The knowledge they have could easily damage the future
as well as work as a de facto precognition for themselves, allowing them
to build a lot of power in the underworld.